Saturday, May 30, 2009
Country Mile
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Wow, its Friday already?!

Wednesday was fish day. We went to the DeWitt coop and picked up the fishies! There was a really long line, but fortunately it was in the shade and we got to meet some really interesting people! But 2 hours later, we were st

We had a great Friday! Josh made a brisket (yes, its LT Beef) and we LOVED it, one of the best briskets we've ever had. It was our first smoking (we usually rely on the parents to cook it!) and it turned out great. While out in the yard today we saw a snake. The goats and chickens in the vicinity all leaped about 3 feet in the air! Josh went to inspect, very carefully, and it stayed very still. Using the LT Beef encyclopedia collection, we were able to identify

The weather has warmed up again (back to the 90's), so we weren't as active outdoors today. Although I did plant a lemon tree and the goats and I ran around a bit in the front pastures near the chickens. Speaking of, Joseph has at least one rooster and he's a cutie. This morning he attempted to crow--it was quite a cacophony, but a cute effort nonetheless. We are also staying busy spoiling the mutts--Shadow loves a good brushing and Greta loves to chase her rope toy!

Monday, May 18, 2009
Worming the Kids, etc.

Milking went OK--Spice was a little low on goods, or was more difficult to milk, so I went on to Ginger. She had a lot of milk, so I borrowed some for all the babes. I was able to find a glass bottle in the house which fit the nipple, and mixed the herbs with the milk. I tried out poor Princess again, but she just

This morning I rinsed out the pasture chickens' water, so early afternoon Josh and I went to check to make sure it was filling properly, when we noticed that the new bull calf was on the wrong side of the fence--in the North windmill pasture, while mommy was in the South! Fortunately it was by the gate and after a good 30 minutes of scheming we got him through the gate back to his herd. The big bull didn't appreciate Josh's presence one bit!
Greta was in her predator state today and Ginger was in her gluttonous state, so it was basically a day of babysitting. "Greta don't get too excited, Ginger don't eat the chicken feed, Greta calm down, Ginger don't eat the catfood, good girl Greta, Ginger don't eat Greta's food!" All in a day's work.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Rain and Cool Weather!
Today, Sunday, the weather is absolutely beautiful! We (all of us: the goats, chickens, dogs, and humans) are really enjoying it!
It is so peaceful out here and we are really catching up on some much needed relaxing!

Friday, May 15, 2009
Calves, Goats and Buen Viaje
Monday, May 11, 2009
Fun with the Goat Kids!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Bubba Gruff & other goat news
Friday, May 1, 2009
Heifer's New Calf
this pasture. Figured she'd calved and was hiding it, as all new
mamas want to do. When I checked there was no calf, so she waited and
went & "hid"by the only big oak in this pasture.
She moved around some more and finally I see her water break. I am
out in my truck now to make sure the calf is presenting properly, but
since I've been followed by 2 goats & 2 dogs, I can't get too close as
she'll be more upset. Usually these mamas can tolerate a truck, but
not someone on foot or a circus like I've got.
So, I'm back to my binoculars. I'll give her another 15 minutes
before I go confine the dogs & goats. If she doesn't progress quickly
I'll have to tie her to the truck and try to help.
Eventually, at 5 p.m. No. 16 ended up at the vets to have her calf pulled. I figured the calf would be dead by then, but a live heifer was delivered. We brought the calf and mamma home and kept them in the pens overnight, where the mom and baby bonded. The calf is up and around and both mom and baby are doing well, headed out to the pasture.
Fortunately, my sister Lynn arrived in time to see the last of the rodeo. Mamma cow got pretty out of sorts near the end and didn't go willingly to the pens or the vet. But, in the end we had a good outcome.